The Hen House - Quilting & Knitting Store

Quilting Fabric, Quilting Kits, Hand Dyed Yarns, Patterns & Knitting Kits,

all your favorite things in one place


Knitting & Crochet  Hand Dyed Yarns & Patterns at TheHenHouseYarn on etsy

Quilting -  Quilting Fabric & Kits - quality quilt fabrics, at CoopSieDaisyTX on etsy 


A little information about us below, slelect the following links for more details.          Contact Us Form     Shipping Information     Return Policy

Purchase your quilting supplies at The Hen House    

The Hen House is still doing Quilting and Fiber shows; however we all know that 2020 has changed our business.  We are now fullly Virtual, our daughter started a ETSY shop that we work as a family for the fabric several years ago, it is called Coop-Sie Daisy.  This year we have added an ETSY shop for the hand dyed yarn.  Check them both out....Thanks

The Hen House opened in Spring, TX in 2004 and were in that loction for 10 years.  We want to thank all our great Customers that supported us over the years.  It was time for us to start our move to East Texas and we have closed the Spring TX location and moving to Rusk TX.  So what will Stephanie be doing...she will be focusing on dying her own yarn and making it available in the store, at shows on our online store, she will continue creating some great designs using her yarns and some of the yarns from unique suppliers as well.   Stephanie is also going to continue working on some quilts kits, and having some great fabric avbailable too. 

History of The Hen House

How did I get the name?  I was raised in a small town in northeast Texas called New Summerfield; it is about 10 miles from Jacksonville and 20 miles from Tyler.  We lived only a few miles from my grandparents and as a child I spent much of my time staying with them.  They raised cattle, grew plants and raised laying hens and sold eggs.  I spent time in the hen houses collecting and washing eggs.  I also spent lots time with my grandmother (we called her MaMa) and she taught me to Quilt, Cross Stitch, Knit, and Crochet.  It is the love for these crafts, my grandmother and the time we spent together that makes me enjoy having a store like this.  I know she would be very proud of me.  

Just a little about the head chick Stephanie.  I love quilting, knitting and crochet and almost any other craft. Like most of you I have collected a stash of almost everything over the years and the store is like my private stash, sometimes my husband says I keep one of everything we sell (maybe more than one).   When I see fabric and yarn I have visions of different things to make with it, I think that is what makes my designs special, it is something I feel that drives my creations and not just a pattern I am following.  If you see it on our website, you can bet I have knitted with the yarn, created my own sample and pattern much of the time.  I also focus on easy to do quilting and knitting project, things we can actually finish.  

My husband Ralph "The Rooster" is always helping me out and you will see him at the shows all the time.   He is teaching me to keep the website up to date, he says he already has a full time job.  If you have been around us, you know how supportive he has been over the years to help make The Hen House what it is today,  My son Christopher has graduated from Sam Houston State with his Masters degree and is working for a public accounting firm, and got married last year to Kathy.  Kathy graduated from Sam Houston and then from Law School and passed the BAR Exam last year as well.  They recently added a cute begal to the famile "Jack".  My daughter Jennifer is a senior at SFA in the nursing program and doing great.  She recently got engaged to a nice your man, Justin and he has a cute 4 year old son named Jaxon.  WE are starting to plan a wedding.  She also knits and often goes to yarn market with me to help pick yarn and tells me what she likes......My Mother "Shirley" has even started knitting...and if you knew my would be amazed.  She lives in East Texas close to were we are planning on moving  My father passed away the year after I opened, but I am sure he is watching over us  every day.

We are blessed with a great group of chicks that help out in a number of ways and a great group of FRIENDS I have made over the years.  I have been very blessed to meet some wonderful customers and friends and really enjoy being part of their lives.      Stephanie

Mothers Day  at church in New Summerfield TX...Stephanie with, Jennifer (Daughter), Shirley (Mother) & Christopher (Son) Celebrating Jennifer's 21st Birthday in Las Vegas...Jennifer, Stephanie BIG ELVIS & Shirley....Ralph takes all the pictures...